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14 April, 2010

I did it (well almost)

My goal was to find an agent to submit one of my completed children's stories to. Well as of 2:30 pm (not am). I found two. Unfortunately they don't accept email submissions or I would have posted: "Hey I just submitted my story to an agent." So I have to head to the store to get heavier weight paper and envelopes to mail my submission. I will post another blog when I have completed the task today.

This is a journey I started on 16 years ago, when my daughter was born. Now I've always loved to write, but I didn't consciously try to pursue it until 16 years ago.

My life has taken many roads, twists, and turns but I am back to where I started, (except I'm on a laptop not a word processor).

I have to say thank you to God for creating me with this talent of writing, for giving me such a quirky odd brain that picks up on everything, and for not giving up on me, though there were plenty of times I gave up on myself.

I feel different. Is it because I accomplished my goal? Almost.

Let me get this done so I can post "I DID IT!"

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