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20 July, 2010

Self Defense

Self defense
As if my day wasn't full enough yesterday with teaching drama, and reading fiction, I spent two hours last night at a self defense course.
I highly recommend a basic self defense course for everyone, but today I'm talking to a specific group of women.
I know someone who has suffered the devastating tragedy of rape. Victims of sexual assault have their very identity stolen. They become a completely different person. A person full of fear, and self doubts, and self hate. It may take them years to go out after dark. You may notice them triple checking the locks on the doors, looking under the beds, in closets, in showers, etc. Every night before they can go to bed. They may even get up in the middle of the night and do it all over again.
If this describes you then I encourage you to take a self defense class. It helps in a number of ways.
It helps you to know how to avoid looking like a target. It helps you preplan how to get out of certain holds, like being grabbed from behind, hands around your throat, etc. It also allows you to practice.
Last night our two instructors showed us several techniques. We then practiced each technique until they felt we had it down.
One of the biggest fears he said women have is they are afraid to hit another person. It's contrary to our mothering nature, but someone who is trying to hurt you is not looking for you to be their mother.
The class helped me feel less vulnerable and less afraid.
2Timothy 1:7 God did not give us a spirit of fear.
Conquering a deep fear requires faith in God. Faith is action.
I believe God wants me to write, and so in faith I have begun my writing career. Action
I took the class to feel less vulnerable, to help me conquer fear so I can backpack the Appalachian Trail. So I can go out at night alone without being afraid.
Put your faith in God into action. Get training to help you exercise your faith, and get out there.

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