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01 June, 2011


I've drawn a blank today for or in my writing. Something terrible happened to two people I know Sunday night. It could have been worse, and I am thankful God was watching out for them but it made me wonder where is the morality of our youth today-referencing the male that intended harm to these people. Why is it our society teaches our youth that anything is permissible even if you have to take it by force?
I wonder what words would persuade today's youth to seek the truth and be exposed to the light? God's word yes, but they are so far removed from the bible it's heart breaking.
Six years of teaching adolescents and I have witnessed first-hand their despair.
When people think of mentoring a child they think it is impossible for them (all things are possible for the one who believes-Jesus). Guess what today's youth need? TIME. It's as simple as that. Sit with them, listen to them. Hear their hearts and show them the right path to take. Just do something!

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