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15 June, 2011

What Happened?

I'm sitting at Panera ready and eager to work on my writing. And bam! I forgot the summary of the animated tv pilot I was going to hammer out today. Kinda need that. It's got the character names and plot points, etc.
Well that's okay I say to myself, I'll type in the work I did on the sci fi script. Bam! Brought the wrong notebook.
So here I sit, staring at a screensaver of The Smoky mountains, trying to figure out where my mind was when I left this morning, and what can I work on with my planned work sitting at home on the dining room table, as I type this on my iPhone because Frankenstein laptop is acting wonky again. Oh and the battery just died in my wireless mouse.

Can I just call this day a wash since my planned work is not where I need it? My computer is acting up and my clicker is dead?
What did you say? Just go home and do it? Nope. Can't. They're replacing the ac in my apartment and had to turn the electric off. Its probably 90 degrees in there right now.
So I will smack the laptop a couple of times and scroll thorough other work I have, then do some YA Novel reading to help me be a better writer.
Then I'll call it a day. And hope tomorrow I am better prepared.

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