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08 June, 2011

On the Right Track

Read the feedback yesterday from a screenplay contest I entered where you had to write one scene and the winners of that moved on to round two.
I didn't make it to round two but I wanted to read the judge's feedback and see my score.
What did the judge say:
"A well crafted scene...excellent mix of horror and comedy...Could use some subtext in the dialogue...overall a job well done."
So my focus is going to be on adding subtext to my screenplays. I had more, but I cut it in favor of what I thought was better dialogue. A mistake I won't do again.
Oh and my score? 93. Only a few points away from making it into round two.
Wow. I am growing. How can I say that? Because each time I get feedback it's not the same error. And I had a feeling about the dialogue, but didn't listen to myself. Rookie mistake? Yeah, but what I've learned about screenplays is that even those that are optioned (sold), have errors in them. My job is to make mine as perfect as possible so I get the job and the next job and so on and so forth.
That feedback will give me the boost I need to finish tackling this high concept sci fi screenplay I've been working on.
Having faith and believing.

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