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19 July, 2011

Day After

Today is my first full non-residency day. I was pleasantly surprised by St.Paul/Minneapolis. When I thought of that area, one word came to mind-snow. The twin cities are definitely on my vacation list now.

After 11 intense days of residency in St. Paul, Minnesota, the writer is home-perched in front of her laptop like a sloth.
I look at the tasks before me and I shriek. Eek!
Then I remember all the encouragement, feedback, and support I got from my fellow Mfa-ers. I crack open my daily planner and I write.

Overall goal this week: Finish two YA novels on my reading list, Finish animation TV script, do last revision to feature screenplay and submit to an agent(s) in Hollywood, re-read the first chapters of the novel that I am going to be working on with my faculty advisor this fall semester. Breathe, and squeeze in some time to go to the movies. Probably be early morning matinees, so I can spend a solid 6-8 hours writing.

It feels good to be back in the writing chair.

When I decided to pursue my MFA I made the choice to give writing the priority in my life I hadn't done before. I understand why God created this talent, this drive in me to write and I am eternally grateful. I love writing. I can't see myself doing anything else.

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