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08 July, 2011

Day 2 and all is well

Today is day two of my mfa in writing for children and young adults, hence to be called mfa. It is 8 pm and my mind is wired with activity. Do you ever find yourself rambling and you don't know you're rambling? Or you do know you're rambling but you don't know how to stop that train cause the brakes are out, Timmie has fallen down the well, and Lassie is too busy watching Underdog on TV to come help either one of you? That's where I am, so excuse the rambling and weed through to get to the good parts.

I am excited about my first workshopping experience tomorrow, nervous about when it's my turn to have my piece reviewed (not tomorrow but another day in the non-too distant future).

Wondering when I will have time this week to finish that animation script on top of 12-14 hour days here. Wondering if Netflix is going to work on my iPhone tonight so I can drift to sleep watching Battlestar Galactica (the original series. Just love Dirk Benedict).

I could spend the next hour in a worry tizzy, like a frazzled-haired witch riding a broom to an X-box convention in Vegas but I won't. This week has me pumped and excited to be taking the next step to improve my writing-both fiction and screenwriting.

I haven't quite decided what new piece of writing I want to work on with my faculty advisor. I need some quiet reflection time to chew on that. Looking at all the writing I've done in the past few years-non fiction, articles, picture books, poems, short stories, novels, screenplays, skit-I have to decide what do I really want to sink my teeth into? I've had a thought in my mind, like a craving for a Godiva key lime truffle that won't go away. I'm enthralled by C.S.Lewis's "The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe", and by J.R.R. Tolkein's "The Hobbit." I'd love to write something along those veins-Christian Allegory, But then I'd like to write something really edgy, with a Christian emphasis. Or that YA sci-fi/horror story.

Je ne sais quoi. Am I over thinking right now? Probably. I know my brain is on overload and has been since 4p.m. Probably time to crack open the journal and brainstorm, and not worry. Whatever I write will be my own.

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