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10 July, 2011

Day 4 of Mfa Residency

Today the first 20 pages of my first novel are being critiqued by my workshop group. Even though I am only four days into my mfa program I have learned so much that will benefit both my fiction and screenwriting.
Each day is crammed pack with workshopping, lectures, and readings. Sometimes I have a faraway look on my face and faculty or upper level students will ask if I am OK. I am, I'm an internal processing person. I need time to take the day's info and let my brain churn. Like the red blinking light on the computer. I need to find time in my schedule here to get alone for a time, each day, to let my mind process it-otherwise I will stop where I am and let my mind process. I will look like a hibernating stand up brown bear. And now it is time to walk over. My piece is up first. Here we go.

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