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29 April, 2011

Productive week

Friday at 4:30 and I'm finishing up a late lunch. I've had a productive and restful spring break. This week I have: submitted my first novel to another agent, submitted my sci fi short story to a magazine, edited 50% of my second novel, read a great book on writing YA novels, revised some query letters, downloaded guidelines to Christian magazines I hope to sell articles (6), I've already written, applied for a writing grant, went to the park and wrote some poetry, and brainstormed some ideas for the next series of novels I want to write.
A busy, productive week. It did get off to a slow start and I let it. I still needed to process losing my job next school year and where in the world will I work in three month. That's where immersing myself in God and His word helps. He said don't worry just write.
And so I have. Through fits and starts this week I got alot done.
Next week is open transfer period and I have to start competing with other teachers, who lost their position like me, or just want to switch, for the few slots that are out there. It's gonna be stressful but I have determined in my heart to write through it. To not let my homelike or my writing suffer due to circumstances I have no control over. Jesus says in John 14:27 "let not your heart be troubled, nor afraid." I gotta go with what He says cause it's my lifeline.

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