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02 May, 2011

Lay it on the Altar

Monday and the first song the shuffle feature on my phone's iPod selected is "Where there is Faith", by 4Him.
Returning to work after a nice, albeit late spring break. I have six weeks left at my job. I'll have to start the process of moving my things. I'd rather not wait until the end so I'll start taking home my belongings a little at a time starting today.
It feels weird to be in this position again-losing my job.
One of my favorite songs from The Color Purple movie is "God is trying to tell you something."
I spent three straight hours yesterday editing one of my novels and I enjoyed it. I relish the days that I will be able to be solely focused on my writing.
What if that time is now?
What is God telling me? Am I to look for another teaching job, or let the sun set on that career and focus solely on my writing?
I don't have the finances to "wing it" so to speak, but is God asking me to agree to so He can open another door?
Like in Genesis 22:1-19. When God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac. Abraham obeyed in faith, but God did not intend for Abraham to kill Isaac, He was testing to see if Abraham was truly ready.
Is it time for me to lay my job on the altar of sacrifice?

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