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10 May, 2010

The Vision

Habakkuk 2:3 “The vision is yet for the appointed TIME. It testifies about the end and does not LIE. Though it tarries, wait for it, for it WILL surely come and not be LATE.

Sunday I stood in front of my bible fellowship class (Sunday School), and explained why I got re-baptized the past Wednesday. In a nutshell when you run from God, He doesn’t run from you. I’m now embracing the life My Lord wants for me and that’s the reason for the verse from Habakkuk. He’s one of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament. I’m not sure how a prophet can be minor, but it’s a short book in the bible. It’s been almost three years since God gave me a vision. In my fear I ran from it, but even Moses would agree: You can’t escape who you are created to be.

In these three years, I have come to know more about me, about my Savior Jesus, and about the world around me. I’ve come to understand what refining fire is, and I’ve come to understand that I do nothing in this life with my own strength, but through Christ who lives in me.

All that is within me says the TIME is now. Time for more focus on my writing. Time to prepare my heart. Time for God’s vision. Does that mean it will happen tomorrow? I don’t know. What I do know is that God’s train is pulling into the station again, and this time instead of running away, I’m running to hop on board.

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