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14 October, 2011

Count Your Blessings

Remember that song by Johnson Oatman Jr. “Count your blessings. Name them one by one. Count your blessings see what God hath (has) done.” I have to admit life has been rough these past few weeks. Rougher than it has been in a very long time. Do you go through times like that? Where it seems like nothing goes right, everything goes wrong? Now add to that keeping up with your writing. Pulling yourself out of the chaos of your life and into your character’s world for a half hour or hour or two. Not just to get words on the page, but the right words. Words the character wants to express to the reader. Are you screaming now?

I have been surprised by the fact that through these rough weeks I have been able to write. Now, I’m not writing as much as I would be during other times, but I am writing. I wonder if because my stress is so high right now, I am more able to pluck myself out of this world and disappear into my character’s world? I think so.

I spoke to a dear friend on the phone for about half an hour Wednesday about the stress I’m under. We agreed to pray for each other. She’s artistic like me so she gets me.

Yesterday a teacher I work with bought me dinner. She did it because she knew I was under a lot of stress and wanted to brighten my day. I’ve never had anyone do that for me before and it deeply touched me. I ate and we talked about what was going on in my life, her life and our love of our savior Jesus. Her act blessed me.

Today I am heading out to the Women of Faith conference, thanks to another dear friend of mine—someone who feels like my twin. Another blessing. This is a two-day conference so I am looking forward to bonding time with my friend, de-stressing, soaking in God’s goodness and recharging my batteries.

Because of the acts of three people I am ending my week feeling lighter than air. Is there someone around you that you see struggling under the weight of stress? Be a small blessing in their life. Buy them a cup of coffee from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts (or get them a $5 gift card so they can). Put an encouraging note in their mailbox, or desk at work. Stop by their workplace and see how they are. If you can afford to—take them out to dinner, or lunch. Trust me it makes a huge difference. It did for me.

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