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04 August, 2011

I finally did It

I was reading in Genesis 18, where God and two angels visit Abraham and tell him Sarah will have a son in a year's time. It was a reminder of God's promise to Abraham. I thought about my writing and I wondered why I still hadn't submitted any of my screenplays to agents or production companies. I'd submitted to several contests, so what was I waiting on? Did I want God to come strolling down my street and say "Hey Desiree, it's time". I knew in my heart, right then, that it was time.

Today I submitted queries for two of my screenplays to agents and production companies.
Next step-submit another query of my novel to lit agencies. It's ready. I'm ready.

It's a scary step but there comes a time when you have confidence in your work. Not prideful boasting, but confidence that what you wrote is good and that it's ready. That takes hard work, writing often not occasionally and reading about your craft. I needed all these and the support of my fellow students in my mfa program. As I submitted my work today I could hear them in my mind cheering me on.

While I wait, I will finish work on my end of the world screenplay (I didn't realize how dark it was), and work on my third novel.
I love being a writer.

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