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06 January, 2011

How's it going

I need to be random for a moment. I was all set to sit down with my coffee at my favorite coffee going place when I was thrown for a loop. I spend my weekday mornings writing at this place before heading to work. I love it because the table height is perfect for writing, it's not over crowded with noisy people who don't know how to use their inside voice, forcing me to crank my iPod up to dangerous levels to drown them out, and the employees are great. It only took them two weeks to figure out my usual order.

So why was I thrown for a loop? I'm now used to having my coffee and donut (gave away the name didn't I) ready for me by the time I reach the counter, without my even asking.
Today my two usual cashiers were not in. I had to actually order. I miss seeing and talking to them.
And it's nice that with the volume of people that come through every morning they pay attention. Unlike another establishment I went to daily for two months and every day I ordered the same coffee (no donuts there), but they never caught on like this place does. Okay I think I'm done.

6 days into the new year. How's that new diet coming? That commitment to write more? Are you struggling? Good.
Now let's get serious.
I've heard it said it takes 21 days to form a habit. I say 21 days won't make any difference if you don't have two things: a goal and a plan.
Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him, and He will act,
What is your passion? What is your dream? Have you written it down, and prayed about it. God opens doors through our prayer and our
obedience. Obedience to follow His plan for our life. So listen to Him and write it down.

Step two, the plan. What plan have you drawn out to help you reach your goal?
Haven't done it yet? That's okay. Sit down in a quiet place away from the TV, the computer, and the phone.
Talk to God. Never done that before? That's okay too. He's ready to listen. Talk with God about your plan and ask Him to help you create one based on His desires. Then write it down.
Keep it somewhere close so you can refer to it when you feel doubt and discouragement creeping in.

I know friends who also get together with another person and tell them their goals as a way of holding themselves accountable. That's good too, but I've come to find the best person to tell my goal to is Jesus. He helps me be accountable.
When it comes to your dreams and desires, don't put them off any longer.

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